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Laser Focused Chat Room

The system has been learned and the tools have been mastered. The end result is a highly productive chat room where members share trade ideas. We require that entries and exits are posted in a timely manner. All trades must fit the system. When we check the chart we instantly know the basis for the trade. Random hunches and small talk are not tolerated. If you’re looking for a serious chat room, you've found it.

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Chat Room Preview

Learn From Professionals

Some of the best Pro traders in the business call our chat room “home”. Their user names are red so that you can easily follow their trades. They are not paid employees. They choose to hunt here because they love the system, the tools and the chat room culture. It’s incredible to watch them carve up opportunities like a Thanksgiving Day turkey. They are an incredible resource and we are blessed to have them.

Advanced Features

Power Up Your Trading With A Modern Chat Room

Consolidated Trade Log

The Chat Room's Consolidated Trade Log is an advanced feature designed exclusively for our laser-focused trading chat room. With this tool, trade tracking and review have never been easier. The Trade Log isolates chat room messages that include trade entries or exits, giving traders a streamlined and efficient way to monitor trades by fellow members, reducing information overload during market hours and to help you embrace a focused view of trades that matter. Conveniently sort trades by trader for seamless analysis and comparison to further boost your trading efficiency and stay ahead of the game.

Top Symbol Lists

The Top Symbol Lists allows you to stay ahead of the game by harnessing the collective wisdom of fellow traders. This cutting-edge feature intelligently counts and ranks symbols based on mentions, tracking their direction — long or short. With ease, you can filter these lists to display all stock mentions or focus solely on those with trade entries or exits. Take it a step further and aggregate the data by customizable timeframes: Today, Yesterday, or the past 2, 3, 5, 7, or 10 days. These lists can be downloaded for integration with your Trading Platform. Gain a competitive edge in the market with Top Symbol Lists and elevate your trading strategy today.

Built-In Scanners

Built-in Scanners give you a competitive edge like never before as you dive into the world of Relative Strength and Weakness trading. Our chat room offers not just one, but two powerful scanners designed to filter through the vast universe of stocks. The Bullish Scanner identifies promising candidates for long trades, while the Bearish Scanner focuses on shorting opportunities. Brace yourself for a constant stream of potential trades, uniquely tailored to align with the laser-focused trading method taught and practiced within the chat room and unlock a world of trading opportunities found nowhere else in the world.


Learn From Example

The chat room search feature allows you to search for symbol and topics or by user. When the trading day has ended, check the trades that have been posted. Study the long-term and short-term charts at the time of the post and identify the patterns that made the trade attractive. This is how you can become a better trader.


Market First

The market is the most important trading puzzle piece. Each morning before the open we post extensive market comments with fundamental and technical analysis. This is your road map for swing trading and day trading. The chat room includes intraday technical analysis and you can see the SPY trade signals across multiple time frames. We’ll keep you on the right side of the market.

Chat Room Benefits


Users with red and orange names consistently post great trades. Learn from them.


Members post timely entries and exits. We want to see both, good and bad.


We know the basis for the trade so use our verbiage and keep it brief.


During non-market hours you can ask questions about trades and strategies.


Search the chat room archives by symbol/topic or search by user name.


Determine which users you want to follow and filter out the rest.


We keep the clutter down so that mobile users can quickly find trades.


This selfless community shares trade ideas and knowledge.

Join The Team

If you haven’t taken the free trial, you need to. If you’ve taken the free trial you’ve seen the trades with your own eyes. It’s not just the pros making money. Members have learned the system and they are finding great trades. Many of them are on the verge of breaking it wide open and they are vocal about it. This system can be learned and all of us started right where you are now. We hope to have you on our team.

Start Here

What Users Say About Us

Coming from a buy and hold strategy I struggled with the concept of day trading. The gems of wisdom that are regularly dropped in the trading chat room are worth the membership alone. The Option Stalker scanners, 10P indicator, and Pete’s commentary throughout the day have really raised my game to a new level.

OneOption has completely enabled me to reshape my whole trading plan from start to finish. Before coming to OneOption I did just okay but it wasn’t enough to take it to the next level by far. OneOption Is built off of trading RS and RW stocks compared to the market, it sounds so simple that it just couldn’t be that easy. It really is though in essence, especially with the system that OneOption that enables you to find these stocks with the criteria you want with just a couple clicks.

This community really brings it all to you in order to succeed after finding the right stock the rest is on you and that is where the psychology plays a role, and the pros in the room will teach you how to keep your emotions in check, as well as give tips on how to first start out. A great example of this is instead of paper trading, trade with just one share and build off of that until your win rate improves. Trading that one share allows you to keep your emotions out of the way of your trading.

I can now say that after I graduate college I will be able to make trading a day job. I dedicate a tremendous amount of this success to this community where I still continue to learn more each and every day from all the incredible members within it, especially the pro traders. Thank you guys as me and the rest of the traders could never thank you guys enough for the time you put in.

Even though I have years of investing and trading experience, I have found that the OneOption education and community has helped my trading immensely. The trading strategies here, the “edge” that is taught, as well as the level of professionalism and camaraderie in the Chat Room is amazing…and not something that you can easily find or expect in a trading community.

OneOption has given me the framework and the foundation to truly begin my trading journey. I stumbled around with different strategies from August to December 2021. Once I committed to embracing OneOption and the strategy taught (January 2022), I believe the steep learning curve of day trading has been lessened.

The strategy and software are proven and utilized by the pro traders here every day. It has allowed me to focus on improving my bad habits and trading psychology issues instead of drowning in the sea of “strategies” out there. I am nowhere near where I’d like to be, but it’s been a blessing to find OneOption and the group of traders that contribute to it. I HIGHLY recommend. 

The combination of the software and chatroom has significantly upped my trading game. From initially thinking trading could be a fun hobby I’m now seriously considering transitioning to full time and making a living out of it. The subscription pays for itself in less than one trade, the red traders in the chatroom are absolutely incredible, I aspire to get my skill level as close as possible to where they are. The daily market commentary from Pete not only sets you up for the day but helps you learn to form your own opinion on the market. Now that I’ve found it, I wouldn’t trade without OneOption.

The community has encouraged and guided me to becoming a better trader. I have learned countless things here, that I wouldn’t have known about to even begin trying to understand if I hadn’t joined. There are some really great traders here, and (OS) Options Stalker is an incredibly powerful platform. The searches set you up to find the best stocks that match with the comprehensive system taught here, that are in-play.

The system has been recently updated (06/17/22) with new features like a mobile app, and even more custom searches. There is a huge community of traders both on Reddit and in the chatroom, and a lot of people have created truly ambitious and amazing projects that keep coming out month after month. The result is a community that keeps on giving in terms of updates to the platform, new concepts and ideas, and new ways to learn.

I tried a couple different groups before this one, and I found this one to be the best one out there. I have gone on an amazing journey with the group and I do believe that with hard work, following the system in place here, and using the Options Stalker platform, traders stand a far better chance at becoming consistently profitable professionals than with any other group out there.

Pete and the OneOption system, including the Option Stalker platform elevated my trading to the next level. Before OneOption, I was a decent trader, but inconsistent. While my overall P&L was profitable one look at the wild swings told me that eventually, it would go red.

Pete’s method and resources (1OP indicator in particular) focused my trading and immediately started paying dividends. Profits were reliable month after month, and I was quickly equipped with a strategy that would work in any trading environment.  

Since joining OneOption I have not had a single month in the red, and do not foresee one in the future. During my time here I have worked with Pete, who is always working to improve his method and platform, in helping refine the offering.  

I give this community, especially the trading chat room, my highest possible recommendation. In a space filled with scams and amateurs, Pete has created a place where traders can actually learn a trade and get closer to that ultimate goal of financial independence. 

It definitely takes time and hard work to become consistently profitable in this business. Having Pete, a professional trader as my mentor is the best decision I ever made in my trading career. His market insights and his systematic approach help me improve my trading tremendously. In addition, there are great pro traders in this community that are always ready to help. I am so glad I found Pete.

As a new trader I was lucky to find OneOption on my first stop. The information I have learned from here has built a solid foundation for my trading journey and not to mention has saved me thousands in learning-curve “tuition” fees! What I most love about OneOption is the community of traders and support all collectively using our market edge to find stocks, the learning process doesn’t stop each day new ideas and mods are made to the system to help improve trading and user software experiences. 

OneOption got me straight to the point of an actionable edge that could be learned by any non-novice trader with commitment and an open mind. For people with ambitions to daytrade professionally, the level of strategy, market awareness, and personal-psychological mastery on display by the leaders of our community is exactly what makes the light bulb go off inside you. “Do I want to be like every other blown-up retail trader or do I want to be different?”

I started trading with forex over 12 years ago, and have attended so many courses and read so many books I could easily repackage it all into a plausible course to sell on YouTube for $159/month. I was even fortunate to have exposure to trading on a gold dealing desk in a small fund and later a personal mentorship under a great trader where I learned macro risk flows theory, market structure, and had my first sight of the psychological mastery required to operate a large scale book.

Yet still, without a community to be a part of, I fell out of touch with the process after some setbacks. That’s why today after finally finding consistency and stability in my trading with this 1OP methodology, I am so committed to the community and the stable growth and steady progress of my teammates. There are so many days that the ideas I bring to the market open don’t work out, but within seconds I am presented with a whole slew of amazing trading ideas from teammates that I can quickly vet and take action on.

The actual methodology of OneOption is timeless, ideas of relative strength/weakness, relative volume, and multi-timeframe confluence are actually criteria for A+ setups in the very best trading firms, and for us it is the minimum criteria to take a trade. I have done in-depth periods of trading as long-term options volume seller, commodities pairs trader, forex scalper, 0dte SPX credit spreads & flies, weekly directional options… and none has the consistency, capital efficiency, and performance of our OneOption A+ setup.

More importantly is that we see professionals using THIS AND ONLY THIS to make a steady living of financial freedom every day/week/month so it is the community that finally stopped my never-ending search for the next magic bullet. 

I have been investing for close to 30 years and have always had a strong interest in the financial markets but have never taken the plunge into trading as I was busy starting a family and building a business. My wife recently went back to work after 10 years as a stay at home mom and my business is on autopilot. My intention is to sell it in the next 2-3 years as I am pretty tired of what I am doing. I do have an exit plan for my business but the only question for me is what will I do after I sell my company.

I thought and thought about it and went back to the one thing that I love…stocks! Trading will allow me to spend time and help with my children while my wife is busy at work. I can literally do it from anywhere and most importantly I won’t have employees (pure bliss!!). Its been about 18 months since I started my trading journey and it has been choppy from the beginning. I read countless books, joined paid and free Discord groups, and tried different strategies that I thought could work. Guess what? None of them worked consistently nor made any sense to me..not a single one.

While browsing through Reddit I found the Real Day Trading sub which led me to the OneOption YouTube channel and finally OneOption. I fell in love with the simple straightforward approach. It makes complete sense to me!! It is logical, rational, and most of all very simple to learn. I still have my ups and downs but much more ups than downs. Pete and his team are fantastic! They are responsive when you ask questions and the desire to keep improving their product (software/education material) is inspiring. 

OneOption is a treasure trove of no-bullshit trading knowledge. While there are no shortcuts to becoming a full time trader, the info taught by Pete and the OneOption chat room can make that journey significantly easier. I am only 6 months into my trading journey, and in that time Pete and the OneOption community have shown me that being a day trader isn’t just a day dream. It is something that I can and will achieve.

The OneOption trading chat is home to some of the top, most profitable day- and swing traders in the world. Some of them (Pete included) have decades of experience, and OneOption is their daily office. Working with Pete and the OneOption traders has transformed my trading. If you’re looking for a professional, work-focused environment to take you to the next level, or want to learn to trade from the best, there is no place I recommend more.

After trading for 2 and a half years, and paying a lot of money for my ‘education’ with little or no returns, I was recommended to the OneOption community. The premise is so simple, yet massively overlooked – Market First, Relative Strength / Weakness stocks to the market.

Since joining, I’ve only had red days when I’ve strayed from the strategy, it’s kept me honest and I love the all-business approach in the chat room – no floating of random ideas, no idol chit-chat. Just traders discussing trades that relate to the core premise.

A wealth of information on the website and on the wiki. The Option Stalker Pro software with the signals it produces can provide a massive edge in guiding a trader into trades – or even avoiding bad trades. I only wish I found this community 2 years ago and I could have saved a ton of money.

Peter and the other fantastic pro traders in the OneOption group have helped me tremendously on my path to becoming a profitable day trader. Their keen understanding of the market and no nonsense approach in the trading chat room together with the wiki have been invaluable. For me the most important aspects is the ability of the group leaders to cut the noise in the chatroom and their focus on the core principles of relative market strength/weakness.

To get the most of this group I would recommend following the chat room very closely as there is a wealth of knowledge and interpretation that can be found nowhere else. Since following this group and going through the educational material that Pete graciously provides I have a much more in-depth understanding of the markets. I still have a long way to go, but I fully trust that OneOption will lead me on this journey.


This subscription is just for the chat room and it does not include Option Stalker or Option Stalker Pro. Our pre-open market comments, SPY signals at the top of the chat room and all of the posts in the chat room are included. Visit our Pricing Page to learn more about our Chat Room and how it compares to our other products.


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Frequently Asked Questions

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The chat room is laser focused on symbols and entries. We ask that traders post entries on a timely basis and all exits must be posted on a timely basis. We ask that members stick to posting trades and that they keep the chatter to a minimum. Profanity is not allowed in the chat room. Learn more.

If we are buying stock/futures to open we say we are “long ABC.” If we are buying to close we say “bought ABC for gain” (or loss). If we are selling to open we use “short XYZ.” If we are selling to close we use “sold for gain” (loss). It won’t take long to understand. This way we know if someone is selling a long position vs selling short to initiate a position. We are always more interested in the entries than the exits. When we refer to lod that means low of day and hod is high of day. A strong bid means the market wants to go higher. If you are trading options, please state the month and strike.

Featured Traders have red user names. These pros have been hand-picked and these are the traders you want to watch. They have mastered the systematic approach we use and we would match them against any other trader.

They are professional traders who have consistently demonstrated their skills over a number of years. New members need to know who to trust, these are the people you want to follow. They are posting trades and answering questions because they want to give back to the trading community. They trade for a living and they do not owe you anything.

No. They are not employees of OneOption and they are not paid. They are sharing their trades with other pros and when they have time they are trying to give back to the community by answering questions. They owe us nothing so please treat them with respect. They hunt here because they love the system, the tools and the culture we have created.

Free trial takers can’t post during market hours. We need to keep the chat room clutter-free during market hours so that we can focus on trades. These users can post during non-market hours. We will make time to answer questions after the close.

Visit the product pages for Chat Room, Option Stalker, and Option Stalker Pro. They describe everything you need to know to get started using our tools. Additionally, please visit the Pricing Page for a side-by-side feature comparison. Option Stalker Pro is our flagship product and we suggest you read it’s dedicated page and manual carefully to understand it and the system we trade. Together, we highlight all of the features and describe the searches and when to use them and it explains the search variables offered in Custom Search.

In short, if you are an active trader you will want Option Stalker Pro.
